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C'mon courage...

It's been a while since The Journey Room uploaded a blog....time gets in the way for all of us, counsellors are no different! We sit across the room, and we listen and challenge and offer space in which to explore and out pour and all the while our own worlds are often sitting just outside the door. It's common for me to be touched and moved by what a client might be telling me, sometimes close to tears myself, sometimes with salty water glistening my eyes. There is always debate about the appropriateness of it, but i know, a time when I was in the clients chair, when my therapist eyes were watering, and it touched me in a way that helped me know i was listened too, and that I mattered. Your stories are powerful, whether you come for therapy or not, there are gems in the darkness and courage in places you may not know yet. The joy of this job is tha I get to see those gems on a daily basis, and just by walking through the counselling door you show courage. Courage to explore and delve and dive and know yourself. Come and show yourself....

© 2014 The Journey Room. 

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