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Q.Is counselling confidential?
A. Yes, however there are limits to that confidentiality, for example if you presented as causing serious harm to yourself or someone else, we would work together, where possible, to take the the steps needed to keep everyone safe
Q. How long are sessions?
A. Sessions last for 50 minutes
Q. How many sessions will I need?
A. That all depends on what you are coming to counselling for, however we would work together for as long as is appropriate, and have regular reviews of the work. You would be free to end the work at any time, however it is beneficial to work towards an ending. I would recommend a review after 6 sessions.
Q. How often will I have to come to counselling?
A. It is beneficial to come weekly for a regular session.
Q. How can I make an appointment?
A. Please email or call to make an appointment. If you email or leave a message, please say when the best time to return your call is, and if it is okay to leave a message. I will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.
Q. How do you store and manage my data in line with the GDPR?
A. The Journey Room only collects your email and telephone number when you contact us. This is for the purpose of contacting you for possible therapy and for arranging appointments. It may become necessary to share your data, for example for an onwards referral to another agency if necessary, or to liaise with your GP or school, however this would always be done with your consent. We will store your contact details on a secure and locked storage system and will store it for five years from the end of therapy, after which it will be disposed of as confidential waste. No notes will be stored with contact details. Unless for sharing information with other agencies, email is only used for scheduling appointments.
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